Protection Saffron Ink Taweez/ Magical Shield of Al-Ghazali

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This magical talisman/ taweez makes the holder invincible to anything that could cause harm. The taweez shield of Al-Ghazali is crafted in accordance with the strict observance of specific astrological influence and moon phases. Written with ink from saffron and containing the greatest Divine name, the oath of Berhatiâ, names of angels, seven Quran surah and conjuring a spell to the senior archangels for protection of the carrier of the talisman of any form of harm. This powerful Arabic taweez will protect you against all forms of black magic, bad luck, evil eye, hexes, curses, evil spirits, negative energies and enemies. It is necessary to periodically anoint the taweez with oil of musk from a gazelle, which will be sent together with the talisman.

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Arabic Saffron Protection Taweez - Protection Saffron Ink Taweez/ Magical Shield of Al-Ghazali

Ta’wiztawiz, muska (Turkish) or taʿwīdh (Arabic تعويذ‎).

All talismans and  ta’wiz that we are making are not simply writing certain texts on paper but authentic and genuinely produced items of the Arabic magical tradition. To make a given talisman working this requires a long and difficult process. First, it is necessary to select the right prayer from the Quran or the spell suitable for the required purpose. Then, it is written with a special saffron ink (sometimes may be used black, red or blood, etc.) Depending on the intended use of the talisman or the tawiz, it is written in different astrological hours of the day and sometimes only in specific moon phases, and then it is fumigated with rare and expensive herbs and incenses. The most important final step is its charging done by saying Quranic prayers or incantations a certain number of times and that transforms it from a simple object into a powerful and working talisman.

Arabic Magical Talismans And Taweez - Protection Saffron Ink Taweez/ Magical Shield of Al-Ghazali

All of the taweez are personally made for each client.
Contact Us for Orders or Questions: [email protected]

How we make and charge our talismans/ taweez

The magical talismans and amulets that we offer are not commercial products but are entirely handmade charged with the correct Arabic rituals under strict control for performing all necessary requirements and favorable time for their creation. Each talisman is tailor made for each client. The time for their making and delivery is preliminary agreed. To order, please use the email below[email protected]


This product is sold. If you are interested in it, you can contact us at: [email protected] in case it can be made again or a similar one could be offered to you.
