Taismanic Ring of the Jinn Bird Simurg

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The Simurgh is a benevolent mythical jinn bird of Persia, so old it has seen the destruction of the world three times over. An immense creature with the shape of a giant bird with spectacular plumage, it has the claws of a lion and a is large enough to carry off an elephant or a whale. The name Simurgh can be translated as “30 birds”. The figure can be found in all periods of Iranian art and literature and is also evident in the iconography of Georgia, medieval Armenia, the Byzantine Empire, and other regions within the realm of Persian cultural influence. The Simurgh was considered to purify the land and waters and hence bestow fertility. The creature represented the union between the Earth and the sky, serving as mediator and messenger between the two. In a classic of Sufi literature entitles The Conference of the Birds by Farid ud-Din Attar, a band of pilgrim birds follows a feather dropped by the Simurgh. First, they decide who is to be their king, as they have none. The hoopoe, the wisest of them all, suggests that they travel together to find the legendary Simurgh.

It is said this benevolent being appears to help those who are in dire need and assist the brave ones to accomplish their deeds. Simurgh can help for wish granting, for abundance, wealth, to assist the keeper in his endeavors and success in many areas of one’s life. Brings lovers in a safe manner. This jinn bird is a master of manipulation and control, granting the ability to influence and gain one’s desires. Unlocks the hidden secrets and removes barriers and obstacles that surround the person. Simurg is a powerful protector and destroyer of all kind of evil spirits and negative influences, and guards against every enemy.

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Arabic Jinn Ring With Magical Box - Taismanic Ring of the Jinn Bird Simurg

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