The Arabic Magical Talisman of Water

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This is unique and extremely powerful Arabic talisman with a glass box is related to the element Water and its highly beneficial magical energies. Ownership of this talisman attracts Water’s sacred power in your life in the form of a spiritual energy that surrounds you. The magical box contains a labradorite stone charged with highly beneficial spiritual power that improves the auric radiations of the user. It neutralizes malefic and negative energies and protects the person from all harm and psychic attacks. It attracts luck, prosperity and affection from others, helps to easily be triumphant in conflicts, builds-up charisma and general affection from others. It gets rid of frustration and helps to build self-confidence, courage and peace-of-mind and soul. It helps one to appear more attractive and radiate power.

Click on the pictures above to see the pictures in full-size*

Arabic Magical Talisman Of Water - The Arabic Magical Talisman of Water

Arabian Magical Talisman Of Water - The Arabic Magical Talisman of Water

Arabic Magic Talisman Of Water - The Arabic Magical Talisman of Water

Arabic Magical Talisman Stone - The Arabic Magical Talisman of Water

The magical talismans and amulets that we offer are not commercial products but are entirely handmade charged with the correct Arabic rituals under strict control for performing all necessary requirements and favorable time for their creation. Each talisman is tailor made for each client. The time for their making and delivery is preliminary agreed. To order, please use the email below[email protected]


This product is sold. If you are interested in it, you can contact us at: [email protected] in case it can be made again or a similar one could be offered to you.
